Monday, March 24, 2014

"Luna Waning: Book 2 of the Luna Cycle" is here

Just posted it over the weekend to smashwords. You can find it here

It is available for pre-sale now and will be released at midnight on March 30th.

I was torn on the opening quote, but I decided to go with Lincoln over Oppenheimer. The latter's quote, "I am become Death, destoryer of worlds," would have been a more authorly thing. The Lincoln quote speaks more to the characters and their situation. As a general rule, it's best to serve your characters first rather than yourself.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Luna Waning Cover

The Luna Waning: Book 2 of the Luna Cycle cover is here.

There were a couple options of what to do with the scroll and how to position it. In the end, I decided that this way was the best combo of scroll, blood and moon. It helps that it matches the first book.